Daily Life Struggles

Hello everyone.

I know it has been awhile since I posted any blogs.  I have been busy and just going through a lot right now.

I thought I would write about something that is my personal struggle.  I am sure several of you people struggle with this as well.  My struggle is with several things.  Money, paying bills/rent, buying food, and single parenting life.

I am sure a lot of you will resonate with what I am going to say.  If not, that is fine!  This is about my life anyways, but I am just saying that if you do, then just know you are NOT alone.

I work full time and I am a single mother to a very near teenager.  He will be thirteen in just a month!  My youngest won’t be a baby which makes me feel very sad, but also proud because I have worked so hard to make sure he is growing into this young man.

Anyways, back to point, I work full time and I am struggling to pay my rent, bills, food, gas for my car, insurance for my car, clothes for my growing boy and all that.  Don’t get me wrong.  Going through this only makes me stronger and in a way, proud of myself.

Why would I be proud of myself for struggling?  Easy.  It makes me proud of myself because it means I get through another week of surviving.  Best believe this.  Surviving through weekly makes me proud of myself.  I have a place for my son to be under.  I have food for my son to feed.  I have car for us to go somewhere.  I have electricity for my son to play his games or to watch YouTube.  I have all the things that we need to get through.

It sure as heck isn’t easy!  There are some weeks where I barely can afford.  There are some weeks where I can afford just fine.  It is a daily struggle to make sure that I make enough money to get through weekly.

Is there any of you who have it similiar as mine?  Is there any of you who know someone who is going through similiar thing?  Just know, it is not the end of the world.  I mean, there are some days where I feel like a failure and my depression tries to take over, but I refuse to give in.  I always, always try to be positive.

Be positive!  You will get through this!  If I can get through this, so can you!  Be proud of yourself for getting through another week!

Have a good night!  Much Love!

Toni Ann